What we do at FACT
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child
It takes a village to raise a child is a proverb which means that it takes an entire community of different people interacting with children in order for children to experience and grow in a safe and nurturing environment. FACT focuses on growing and maintaining a healthy village by bringing organisations, government departments and individuals together, all of whom are focused on the wellbeing of children and families in Tasmania.
Who we are
Families and Children Tasmania (FACT) is Tasmania's peak body representing non-government organisations that provide services, programs, research and policy development relating to the wellbeing of families and children.
FACT is privately funded by its members, with specific funding being provided by Anglicare, Uniting (formerly UnitingCare), CatholicCare and Mission Australia. FACT has also gratefully received a grant from the Sidney Myer Fund which has enabled us to provide ongoing advocacy for the Home Stretch campaign in Tasmania.
FACT on behalf of its members focuses on; Family support, health, education and development, housing, transport, early intervention and family reunification services, homelessness, out of home care including foster care, residential care, professional home based care and therapeutic placements.
On behalf of FACT's membership, we advise on policy development and advocate for policies and initiatives that will lead to the increased wellbeing of families and children in Tasmania, for this generation and for many more generations that will follow.
FACT looks to make a difference by:
Providing advocacy, support and information for non-government service providers and the community at large, with respect to the provision of appropriate and effective services for children and young people, including those at risk and their families.
Promoting family support, community development and specific programs which will lead to improved wellbeing for families and children, and increase the likelihood of maintaining children and young people within a family network.
Enhancing parental care and responsibility.
Supporting and undertaking research into the needs of children at risk, their families, and available service providers.
Promoting the welfare of children and young people placed in out-of-home care and those at risk of placement, together with their families.
Promoting, supporting and undertaking the provision of appropriate training and skills development for those working in this industry sector to ensure effective and long term workforce planning.
Promoting and facilitating the development of national standards of service delivery.
Supporting and assisting in the development of state and territory associations of child and family welfare service providers.
Identifying opportunities for increased levels of wellbeing for families and children residing in Tasmania.