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Know the FACTS

FACT Response to the Commission of Inquiry.  


4:30 pm

The FACT Board after consultation with our members,  provided a Response to the current Tasmanian Commission of Inquiry. You can read FACT's response by clicking the attachment link here

2021 FACT Election Statement


10:00 am

FACT's election statement for the 2021 Tasmanian State Election can be read here.

May and July 2021 FACT Newsletters


11:30 am

The latest update from FACT and sector news can be read here for May and July. 

Organisational Membership 2022/23

Its time to renew your FACT membership.
Download the form now!

New organisational members welcome!

Associate Members

Its time for Associate Members to renew their membership too.

Download the form below

The Australian Maltreatment Study

November 23, 2020

The Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS) is the first national study of the prevalence and health impacts of all five forms of child maltreatment in Australia (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse,   neglect, and exposure to domestic violence).  In 2021, the ACMS will conduct a survey of approximately 10,000 Australians aged 16 and over to capture information about both the prevalence of these experiences and their nature (including frequency and severity of maltreatment, the ages when maltreatment occurs, and relational risk factors). FACT has been appointed as the Tasmanian representative for the Advisory Group of the Australian Child Maltreatment Study and it was a  pleasure to host Professor Ben Mathews at the FACT AGM in November 2020. 

Budget Resubmission Update for 2020/2021

August 03, 2020

FACT was invited to update our budget submission for the 2020-21 Budget period due to the budget being postponed as a result of Covid-19. We are pleased to provide a copy of our budget  for review. 

July 2020 Newsletter

August 04, 2020

We have been out and about and here is the latest news from FACT. Read the July Newsletter here. 

2020 - 2021 State Budget Submission

November 28, 2019

FACT has provided to the Department of Treasury our Budget Submission for the 2020-2021 financial year.  The submission highlights the many achievements of FACT over the past twelve months as well as our Recommendations, Key Issues and Links to Government Priorities.

FACT Newsletter September 2019

September 04, 2019

FACT has been out and about in September and here's the newsletter highlighting what has been happening. 

Spare a thought for workers, working in child protection

September 05, 2019

“There is nothing more serious than a child being abused by their family — yet there is nothing more serious than removing a child from their family.”

Celebrate foster and kinship carers week from the 8th - 15th September

September 02, 2019

During Foster and Kinship Care week, this is our opportunity to thank the large number of foster carers and kinship carers in Tasmania.  If you know a foster or kinship carer, then perhaps this is the week where you can thank them for the wonderful and valuable contribution they make to the lives of children and young people, and to the community as a whole.  Perhaps an invitation to join you for afternoon tea, deliver some fresh flowers from your garden, a meal to share, a walk around the block, a lift to the local supermarket are just a few ways to make a difference.  Most importantly to all kinship carers and foster carers we say thank you. 

Extended Carer Payments for Family-Based Carers for young people aged 18 - 21 years

September 02, 2019

The Tasmanian Government’s commitment to extend care for young people in out-of-home care to 21 years, provides $3 million (over three years) to better support young people transitioning to independent living.

Family-based carers can now apply for an extension of carer payments (for eligible young people) until the young person’s 21st birthday. Through a staged step-down approach, the level of support provided will decrease as young people take increasing responsibility for their own wellbeing and affairs.

Find out if you are eligible to receive financial support by reviewing the attached document and application form

Ticket to Play - information for parents, carers and children:

September 02, 2019

Ticket to Play is a Tasmanian Government initiative designed to reduce the cost of participating in sporting club activities for Tasmanian children.


Tasmanian children aged 5 to 17 who are listed on a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card, or who are in Out of Home Care, are eligible for a voucher of up to $100 in value to be used towards the cost of club membership at an approved activity provider. A list of approved activity providers can be found on the Ticket to Play website.


To apply for a voucher or for more information, visit the website at  Vouchers can be applied for and used at an approved activity provider until 30 November 2019.


For more information or assistance with voucher application please contact Communities, Sport and Recreation on 1800 252 476 or

Child Friendly Island Logo Design

FACT will be launching the Child Friendly Island initiative in 2019. It is our belief that it takes an island to raise a child. In other words all members of the community have a part to play in child wellbeing and ensuring that children feel valued and welcome on the island that they call home. Soon we will be asking for your thoughts on which logo you feel will best represent this initiative. Our aim is for the Child Friendly Island logo to be one of the most recognised in Tasmania. 

FACT has been out and about in January and February

January 31, 2019

Read the latest news regarding Families and Children in Tasmania. 

FACT has been out and about in March and April

April 11, 2019

Catch-up on the latest news regarding families and children in Tasmania and across the Country. 

Inclusive Sports Days

February 28, 2019

Reclink Australia provides evidence-based sport and art programs to disadvantaged Australians to create socially inclusive, life-changing opportunities. In partnership with more than 200 community organisations, Reclink Australia's programs create pathways to improved health and wellbeing, education and employment outcomes for all participants.

There is no other social inclusion program in Australia with the reach and impact that Reclink Australia's model currently has. Reclink Golf Day, Reclink Bowls Day, Reclink Tennis Day

Creating Child Safe Organisations Workshop

February 28, 2019

On February 19, the Council of Australian Governments endorsed the 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

This means that organisations in Australia that work or engage with children, need to ensure they provide a safe environment where children are protected from harm.

The Creating Child Safe Organisations Workshop run by Child Wise in Hobart is a 1-day training designed to help organisations implement the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations to ensure the safety of children in their care.

Event details 

Date & time:   14 March 2019,  9.00AM - 4.30PM 
Location:        Rydges Hobart 
                        393 Argyle St, North Hobart, TAS
Cost:               $330 (GST inclusive). Lunch and refreshments included. 

Love Bites - Facilitator Training in Launceston

February 28, 2019

Love Bites is a Respectful Relationships Education Program for adolescents. It consists of two interactive workshops:
one on Relationship Violence and one on Sex and Relationships followed by creative workshops and community campaigns. Love Bites is a flexible model with options to use a full day or multi session delivery approach. The program emphasises the importance of a whole of school commitment to respectful relationship education.

Free Cyber Safety Workshop

February 27, 2019

Free Cyber-Safety Workshop hosted by the Tasmanian Institute of Sport in early March


With more and more mobile devices at hand for our young athletes it is very easy and tempting to stay on line all day, seven days a week. This can have significant impacts for athletes especially in regards to their health, family, social life as well as education work and sporting expectations. Tagged photos, blog posts and social networking interactions now shape how  a young athlete is perceived by others online and offline both now and in the future. Depending on how good or bad this digital reputation is, this can affect friendships, relationships, possible selections and is very important that today’s athletes are aware of what digital picture they are portraying  of themselves and protect their digital reputation today and in the future.

New plan for protecting Australia's Children

January 29, 2019

The Fourth Action Plan of the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children (2009-2020) has been launched by the Government following endorsement by state and territory Community Services Ministers across Australia.

2019 is a new year with new opportunities to focus on child and family wellbeing.

January 07, 2019

In 2019 FACT will be working with our members, the Department of Communities Tasmania and the Department of Education on important initiatives that focus on child and family wellbeing.  We are proud to be the peak body in a state where the focus is improved wellbeing.  You can learn more about the key initiatives that are underway in this state by clicking on the following button which reads "click here". 

FACT has been Out and About in December

December 19, 2018

FACT is pleased to provide you with a copy of our December Newsletter

FACT's Budget Submission to the Tasmanian Government

December 11, 2018

FACT's budget submission to the Department of Treasury, highlighting our achievements over the last twelve months, as well as our recommendations, key issues and links to government priorities.  We invite you to take a moment to read our submission so that you can learn more about FACT as well as our priorities relating to family and child wellbeing. 

FACT has been Out and About in October

November 29, 2018

FACT is pleased to provide you with a copy of our October Newsletter. 

Community Sector peak bodies submit joint Treasury document

September 25, 2018

The Tasmanian community sector is a significant industry and employer within the Tasmanian economy, employing approximately 10,000 people.  The output of the health care and social assistance sector now represents almost 9% of Tasmania’s gross state product, making it the State’s second largest sector after agriculture, forestry and fishing.

Eleven peak bodies working within this sector have collaborated on a submission to the Tasmanian government highlighting where they believe spending should be focused in the 2017-2018 budget.  With multiple state and federal government reform agendas going ahead, it is an important time for the Tasmanian Community sector to work together for the betterment of the entire sector.

The first of two recommendations from the Tasmanian Community Sector Peak Body Network is the development of a Tasmanian Community Sector Industry Plan.  The development of a clear plan and framework will enable the community sector and state government to transition effectively through this period of national change, and ensure resources are most effectively used throughout the community sector.  Budget recommendations are $300,000 for research analysis and development of the Industry Plan, and a further $1,000,000 to support the transition and implementation of new models and approaches in line with the current and emerging reform agendas.

The second recommendation is for the State government to provide indexation of funding on all Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) grant deeds, the goal being equity of funding to ensure strong and sustainable community sector peak bodies. Currently DHHS provides indexation but DPAC does not.  The budget recommendation is $2,500–$11,500 for each organisation based on indexation being delivered at current calculations.

The Tasmanian Community Services Peak Network will continue to work closely with government to guide and provide the Tasmanian community sector with the range of services and support it requires in the next ten years.

The full, four page submission can be downloaded by clicking on the button below.

Update on extending out-of-home care from 18-21 in Tasmania

June 27, 2018

Legislative Council Estimates A, Thursday 28 June 2018, the Hon Minister Roger Jaensch addressing questions on extending care from 18 – 21. 

National Families Week

May 18, 2018

Help celebrate National Family Week.  Bring your family along to a free event that is being organised by CHAT on Saturday 19th May on Parliament Lawns in Hobart. 

How to provide your child with a healthy start

February 05, 2018

Giving children a healthy start sets them up for life!  Here you will find key information about eating and physical activity for raising healthy Tasmanian kids. There's even great ideas for what to put in the lunch box. 

Understanding Bullying

January 01, 2020

The tragic death of Dolly Everett has led to much discussion on the devastating impacts bullying can have on young people. Bullying involves one or more people repeatedly and deliberately doing things to make another person upset, afraid or hurt. A person or a group of people might feel that they have more power than someone else and use hurtful words or actions to bully them. Bullying is not just ‘playing around’ – it can really affect someone’s feelings and emotions.

@headspace_aus has developed some helpful resources on what you can do now about bullying.

Tenancy Law changes required to protect victims of Domestic Violence

January 15, 2018

Safe, accessible and affordable accommodation is critical for women and their families to leave violent relationships and establish new, stable homes. Currently in most Australian states and territories (Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania, Northern Territory South Australia and Queensland), a victim is not able to immediately terminate her lease. Rather, she must apply to a tribunal or court for an order. According to the Federal Government's Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 40 per cent of people seeking homelessness services in 2016-17 were experiencing domestic and family violence. Nearly half (48 per cent) of these were single parents with children. Almost all adults were female (91 per cent).

Defining Child and Youth Wellbeing

June 05, 2017

There are six key elements that lead to the wellbeing of a child and/or young person.  These six elements refer to a state where a child or young person feels loved and safe; has access to material basics; has their physical, mental and emotional health needs met; is learning and participating; and has a positive sense of culture and identity. Find out more about the Tasmanian child and youth framework. 

Education, Productivity and Economic Performance: Tasmania, Then, Now and Tomorrow

March 15, 2017

31.3% of Tasmania’s population are in the most disadvantaged socioeconomic status quintile (one-fifth) of Australia’s population. Read the report from Saul Eslake Independent Economist, and Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow, University of Tasmania.   

Improving the lives of Tasmanian children and young people

January 01, 2018

In Tasmania in 2015-16, there were 342 unaccompanied children aged 10 to 17 who presented to Specialist Homelessness Services  (Robinson 2017). Over the same period, 284 children were admitted to Care and Protection Orders in Tasmania (AIHW 2017). Tasmanian children on orders are up to five times as likely to be below the national minimum standards on NAPLAN testing for literacy and numeracy, five times as likely to be exempted from schooling and four times as likely to be excluded (DoE 2011).

The wellbeing of Tasmania’s children and young people is everybody’s business. Every child deserves a safe home and a good education,  but they also deserve more: they deserve nurturing care that supports their aspirations. Anglicare’s research and service experience has identified gaps in strategy, education, care and specialist services for Tasmania’s children and young people. You can find out more about the leadership and services required that will provide proper support for all our children and young people.

The cost of rental housing in Tasmania

November 29, 2017

The latest Rental Affordability Index released this week has found Hobart is the second least affordable capital city in Australia for rentals, and affordability in greater Hobart has fallen to its lowest level since the September quarter of 2012.

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